The most Engaging NPS Survey Tool on the Market

Want to collect in real time honest customer satisfaction data ?

That's why we want to introduce you to the incredible potential of NPS surveys in gaining valuable feedback from your customers.

"Net Promoter Score: A Powerful Metric for Gauging Customer Satisfaction"

Using a single question, "How likely are you to recommend [company] to your friends or family?"

Customers rate their likelihood on a scale of 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely). Based on their responses, customers fall into three categories, which determines the NPS score.

NPS Scale and Categories

Promoters: Customers who respond with a score of 9 or 10. These individuals are typically loyal and enthusiastic about your business, actively recommending it to others.

Passives: Customers who respond with a score of 7 or 8. While they are satisfied with your service, they are not as enthusiastic as promoters and may not actively promote your business.

Detractors: Customers who respond with a score of 0 to 6. These individuals are unhappy customers who are unlikely to make repeat purchases and may even discourage others from buying from your business.

Turn Feedback Into Amazing Social Media Posts

Build trust and credibility by showcasing 5-star reviews on social media channels.

Real-time display of the latest positive reviews creates an authentic impression that resonates with potential customers.

This transparency and social proof motivate first-time visitors to become new customers.

Showcase Customer Feedback On Your Website

Displaying reviews on your website boosts SEO and establishes credibility with potential customers.

Our dedicated page, "What Customers Are Saying," showcases your best 5-star reviews in an engaging gallery format.

This speaking volumes about your business's quality and reputation.

Rank Higher. Attract More Customers. Increase Margins?

Customers will spend 31% more on a business with positive reviews.

Positive reviews are crucial when trying to get customers to spend more money.

Customer with a positive experience will spend 140% more than one with a negative experience.

Reviews Play a Significant Role in Purchasing Decisions.

95% of customers read online reviews before buying a product.

Over nine out of ten customers (95%) read product reviews before purchase something.

Additionally, 58% of these customers say they are willing to pay more for products and services that have good reviews.

Reviews are Essential for Building Brand Trust

Reviews offer valuable insights into others' experiences with a product or service, aiding informed purchase decisions.

They provide a sense of real-world encounters, helping individuals assess the product's suitability and quality.

This empowers consumers to make wise choices when considering a purchase.

The Review Tools That Grow Local Business

AWSOME is the most complete reputation management platform in the industry.

Automated and intuitive, AWSOME REVIEWS makes generating and managing reviews Effortless.

Everything you need to build your reputation, grow revenue, and deliver exceptional customer experiences under one roof.